Green mosaic picture that represent my skills piling up in career change

Are You Deciding Between PR and Marketing for Your Business?

From my observations, a large number of successful companies strategically integrate Public Relations (PR) with Marketing. This integration provides a clear indication that both are not only important but also essential components for the success of a business.

I began my professional journey as a public relations specialist, serving a diverse range of clients in both B2B and B2C sectors. This journey lasted over three years and recently, I transitioned my career trajectory towards Marketing. In this role, I have been assisting businesses in building engaging websites, creating compelling content, and managing effective social media advertising campaigns. Leveraging my experience in both PR and Marketing, I would like to share my insights on these two critical areas, and why as a business owner, you should not only understand but also have knowledge in both areas.

Differences Between PR and Marketing

At first glance, PR and Marketing might seem similar, but their roles and objectives vary significantly. PR primarily safeguards a company’s image and reputation, while Marketing focuses on driving lead generation and sales. Despite sharing some overlapping areas, the key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure their success differ substantially. PR concentrates on establishing and maintaining a consistent brand voice and ensuring positive media coverage. On the other hand, Marketing puts more emphasis on driving sales and improving conversion rates.

Key Focus Areas of PR Include:

  • Safeguarding and enhancing a company’s image
  • Crisis management and damage control
  • Content creation specifically tailored for media liaison and external/internal communications

Key Focus Areas of Marketing Include:

  • Content creation that directly appeals to potential customers
  • Leveraging social media platforms for business promotion
  • Advertisement campaigns that increase product visibility and appeal
  • Website marketing that improves online presence and customer engagement

Understanding the Impact of PR and Marketing on a Business

PR and Marketing, though different, both play crucial roles in ensuring a business’s success. PR often has an indirect impact, making it challenging to track its direct effects on sales or revenue. However, if not managed carefully, issues related to brand image can cause significant damage to a company’s reputation and customer trust. Effective PR involves creating content and liaising with media to increase brand awareness and build trust. This trust ensures that people remember your brand as reliable and trustworthy when they need a product or service.

Contrarily, Marketing has a more direct and immediate impact on businesses. Through strategies such as content creation, social media engagement, and website marketing, businesses can increase awareness about their products or services and stimulate purchase interest. This approach directly translates into generating leads and driving sales, making the efforts of marketing more immediately measurable in terms of business growth.

As a Small Business Owner, Which Should I Prioritize: PR or Marketing?

Based on my observations and industry experience, I would suggest that most small businesses should give priority to marketing, especially during the initial startup phase. During this stage, it can be quite challenging to establish a significant presence in the market and attract customer attention. Larger brands, with more resources at their disposal, typically incorporate both PR and marketing into their multifaceted strategies. However, irrespective of the size of your business, having a sound understanding of both PR and marketing is essential from the inception of your brand.

It's a common misconception among small business owners: "No one pays attention to my tiny business. Why would I need PR?" But this belief is incorrect! Even if traditional media might not cover your business, social media has changed the game. Social media platforms are incredibly influential, and a single act, post, or comment can spread like wildfire online. I've seen small companies face significant backlash due to a single mistake in the digital world. It wasn't because they didn't have good marketing, but because they lacked the PR sense to communicate effectively and appropriately.

Case Study: The Importance of PR Sense in Business


A notable example illustrating the importance of PR for businesses of any size is Chick-fil-A, a popular fast-food chain. A former Chick-fil-A worker, Mariam Webb, who has over 118,000 followers on TikTok, made viral videos reviewing the food at the restaurant. Despite her popularity and the positive publicity she brought, Chick-fil-A's PR department intervened, citing a violation of the company's employee handbook, and asked her to stop making these videos. Consequently, she resigned from her position to focus on becoming a full-time content creator. This incident, shared on her TikTok, went viral and was reported by major media outlets.

@mirithesiren Chick-fil-A Corporate has asked me to stop making content. I’m sorry you guys :/ Thank you for all the support and love but an era has ended. “The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of TC&Js Enterprises, Chick-fil-A Whittwood, nor Chick-fil-A, Inc.” #fyp #chickfila #chickfilaemployee #chickfilasauce #chickfilahacks #curlyhair #blackgirl ♬ original sound - mirithesiren

Why Did It Spread?

  • It showed Chick-fil-A did not respect the employee’s efforts.
  • It highlighted Chick-fil-A's lack of understanding of the power of social media, which annoyed the newer generation.
  • It does not have the sense of being cautious of what to tell their employee, especailly when the employee has such influence on the social media.

An Online Store Selling Customized Souvenirs

A Hong Kong-based online store posted on Threads about hiring a part-time employee at HK$60 per social media post. This post attracted more than 400 comments, with most criticizing the shop owner for exploiting labor due to the evidently low salary.

Why Did It Spread?

  • The issue wasn’t about whether HK$60 is a high or low salary, as this can be subjective. For someone in dire need of a job, every penny counts, but for an experienced worker, it is low. The problem was the shop owner’s lack of understanding that the forum's audience is largely the newer generation, who work for dreams, seek justice, and have experienced less hardship than the older generation.
  • The shop owner’s resistant rebuttal, stating that there were tons of applications, showed a further lack of understanding of the marketing sentiment.

In conclusion, marketing is essential for generating leads and growing your customer base, but effective PR is equally important to connect with the world and avoid falling into public relations pitfalls because of a single action or a misplaced word.

Remember, marketing boosts your sales, but PR prevents you from falling into social disapproval. With knowledge of both marketing and PR, you can maintain competitiveness in the business landscape for longer.

Angela Chan
As a communicator and marketer, I specialize in ensuring that business messages resonate effectively with target audiences across various channels. I have a proven track record of helping businesses deliver impactful messages, boost their SEO rankings, strategize website content, and ultimately enhance brand visibility while generating valuable leads.