Green mosaic picture that represent my skills piling up in career change

How to have a successful career change? Embrace your past

Graduating from The School of Journalism and Communications, I naturally started my career as a public relations specialist, i.e. a communication specialist helping businesses deliver their key messages across press releases and different channels. Back then, the idea of career change seemed far-fetched. I believed in the traditional climb up the career ladder in a single domain. However, this year brought about a change. I started digging into UX/UI design and digital marketing, officially marking my foray into a new territory. While I once saw myself as undergoing a career change, that notion has evolved. I now recognize this journey as more than a shift between skill sets; it's an embrace of the mosaic that results from the fusion of diverse skills and experiences.

How “career change” made me undervalue myself

When I shared my decision to change my career to become a UX and web designer, there was this notion that I was starting from scratch, a bit like ground zero. It gave off the vibe that I didn't know a thing. But truth be told, that wasn't the case. My background in public relations turned out to be a hidden superpower. It even became the reason the small business decided to work with me.

How my past helps

  • Ensure an engaging key message across channels: People may have the concept that digital marketing is about revenue generation, and UX design is interface design. While these definitions aren't entirely inaccurate, both disciplines necessitate a compelling message to connect with users effectively. This is precisely where my communication skills come into play.
  • Liaising with clients: In my role as a public relations specialist within an agency, I effectively liaised with clients, media professionals, internal team members, external product collaborators, and various stakeholders. You cannot imagine I needed to call over 20 media a day. These experiences serve as a robust asset for my freelance work now, enhancing my ability to communicate seamlessly with my clients today.
  • Keeping tabs on industry trends: In my past life as a public relations specialist at an agency, juggling 5 to 6 clients, big and small, was the norm. This practice fine-tuned my radar for what the brands were up to, giving me a keen sense of the industry pulse. This helps me a lot when I need to provide meaningful insights to clients.

I understand that I speak from a position of privilege because the things I've worked on sort of fall under the same umbrella. Yet, I want to convey something important to those changing their careers or venturing into new skill sets. Your past is a powerful ally. Take a good look at where you've been, and carry those learnings into your future endeavours.

If you want to know more about my experience, go to About Me page.

Angela Chan
As a communicator and marketer, I specialize in ensuring that business messages resonate effectively with target audiences across various channels. I have a proven track record of helping businesses deliver impactful messages, boost their SEO rankings, strategize website content, and ultimately enhance brand visibility while generating valuable leads.