EAC Animal Care | Introduce a foreign brand to Hong Kong through social media and promotional materials

Social Media Specialist
Graphic Designer
Social Media Content Creation
Graphic Design
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Overview: Launch a foreign brand in Hong Kong

EAC Animal Care is a pet supplement company originally based in Australia which recently expanded their businesses to Hong Kong. To promote their products and enhance their brand awareness in Hong Kong, I was hired as a social media specialist and graphic design to provide insights on social media strategies and design promotional materials.

Objective: Build the brand awareness

I was hired to enhance the exposure in Hong Kong, physically and virtually, with social media and graphic design

My Approach

  • Understand and empathises: Understand the advantage and values of the product and business
  • Logo creation: Design a distinctive Chinese logo that encapsulates the essence of the brand
  • Social media content creation: Strategize and develop social media content that highlight their trustworthiness
  • Graphic design: Provide ongoing design support for physical events, ensuring a consistent and captivating visual representation


Each instagram post achieved, on average, a 30% higher reach compared to the preceding publications.


1. Social media content creation

Content type: Share product information to launch the brand in Hong Kong

Inspired by successful brands and acknowledging that the brand does not have huge familiarity here, I put the focus on direct product information sharing to enhance accessibility and engagement. It also aligned with the growing trend of users seeking product information on Instagram

Graphic presentation: Highlighting the brand's competitive advantage with colour

EAC Animal Care stands out with a unique advantage—offering a diverse range of products catering to dogs, cats, and horses, a rarity among other brands. Each product series is distinguished by its own special color, contributing to a visually distinct identity for the brand. Leveraging the power of color, I strategically use distinct hues to create a cohesive and recognizable visual identity for each series. The utilization of specific colors is not just aesthetic; it's a deliberate approach to ensure easy recognition of each product line, setting EAC Animal Care apart in the market.

The instagram graphic designs for promoting the products of EAC Animal Care

    Instagram content writing: One-liner and show authority

    • Use of one-liner: In each piece of content, I meticulously highlighted the product benefits in a manner that resonated with the audience. Every post featured a thoughtfully crafted tagline, focusing on the key benefits of the product, its ability to address pet-related issues, and bring happiness to our target audience. For example, “貓貓每天便便不便秘 (Daily delight, the cat's routine is bright, no constipation in sight)
    • Show its authority: To enhance the client's credibility, I fortified the brand's authority by not only articulating product benefits but also incorporating authentic data and testimonials. This strategic approach is particularly crucial for gaining trust as a new brand in Hong Kong.

    2. Printed design for physical events

    The banner and stickers for EAC Animal Care's use in a pet exhibition