Healthcare startup | Strategize the marketing website development for startup from 0 to 1

UX Designer
Web Design
Content Creation

Overview: Develop a meaningful website from 0 to 1

A healthcare startup in Canada is gearing up to launch a product aimed at enhancing the surgery experience.

Due to confidentiality agreements, detailed project specifics are omitted, but I'll share information into my role in supporting the founder's vision, covering areas namely

  • Brand message and brand voice development
  • Website content writing
  • website creation

Note: This project was undertaken during my postgraduate studies, with supervision at every stage. Hope you trust my words :)

Objective: Build the brand exposure from scratch for reputation and awareness

In its initial stages, the startup had limited exposure. Hence, I took the initiative to lead the development of a website to promote their soon-to-launch product and build brand visibility for reputation.

My Contribution

  • Led the design and development of the 5-page company website from scratch
    Unfortunately, the website has not been launched yet. The link will be provided upon the launch.
    • Crafted a comprehensive website strategy encompassing key messaging, brand voice, and content guidelines. This strategic framework was designed to shape the various components of the website, compelling the target audience to connect with the company.
    • Wrote the website content. An essential takeaway from this process is the meticulous attention to detail, specifically aimed at ensuring physicians never perceive technology as a threat to their authority.
    • Designed mid-fidelity wireframes on Figma
    • Collaborated with another UX designer to implement the designs on a content management platform