Yonderful | Develop a brand and web app from scratch

UX Designer
Web design
Brand strategy
Product design
Adobe Photoshop

Overview: From concept to web product

Yonderful is an online yoga learning app which helps online yoga beginners experiencing uncertainty in approaching yoga with personalised, easy-to-follow yoga tutorials and expert guidance to achieve their yoga learning goals.

At its core, Yonderful is built on a fundamental positioning: Clear the uncertainty; Master with guidance.

As the founder of this business concept and product, I took on various responsibilities:

  • Build the branding and key message
  • Develop the product blueprint and features
  • Web app design

Objective: Build yoga knowleadge and confidence

Based on the research, the identified problem is that online yoga learning for beginners lacks sufficient guidance on correct posture techniques. Despite the abundance of available yoga resources, beginners often struggle to perform yoga postures in the correct form. This deficiency not only hinders their ability to learn yoga accurately but also demotivates them from continuing their yoga journey.

Therefore, the product is crafted to assist online yoga beginners by providing them with both knowledge of yoga and the confidence they need.

My Approach: Start with research and brand message

  • Comprehensive Research: Conducted in-depth research, including interviews, observational research and survey to gain a thorough understanding of our target audience and validate the concept
  • Compelling Key Message: Crafted a compelling key message specifically tailored to resonate with users.
  • Product Feature Creation and Web App Design: Translated the key message into the creation of product features and the design of the web app, placing a strong emphasis on a user-centric approach.
  • Testing: Implemented three rounds of user testings to ensure the web app aligned with users' expectation

1. Research and Brand Strategy Development

After research and customer analysis, I built the key message of the brand as "Clear the uncertainty; Master with guidance" to confine the experience the brand and the web app should give users.

I want users to feel empowered to achieve their yoga learning goals with reduced uncertainty in every Yonderful's touch points, from the the marketing materials to the learning web platform.

Why this key message?

  • Through research and customer analysis, it was revealed that our target audience is highly goal-oriented and neurotic. The chosen key message aims to instill confidence, assuring them that we can help dispel self-doubt and empower them to work confidently towards their goals.

If you are interested in the effort I took to analyses the users and build the brand message, please review the tabs below.

I found my posture wrong until a friend told me.
I just mimicked what the instructor did. I don't know if it is wrong.
I can't follow the video thoroughly. I really need clear voice guidance

From the word cloud generated from the top 50 threads in r/yoga on Reddit, “yoga” and “beginners” show up most often, followed by “help”, “advice”, “recommendation”, and “fear” (generated as at 11:34 am Jul 30, 2023)

A wordcloud showing yoga beginners need advice and help
A big five personality analysis
Template from StoryBrand.com
A brand script of Yonderful

2. Product Feature Creation and Web App Design

With the key message developed, I translated the insight to the creation of product features and the design of the web app.

Unlike other yoga platforms, users don't simply choose yoga videos and start following along. They will experience our key features step-by-step following the ideal user flow to obtain a guided journey.

What do the users experience on Yonderful?

Personalised Yoga Practice Series Through Onboarding Assessment

Yonderful understands the unique needs of each user by conducting an onboarding assessment that delves into their yoga experience, flexibility level, and injury status.

The screenshot showing the onboarding questions user have to answer

Deconstructing Yoga: Focus on Postures

Navigating a complete yoga flow can be daunting for beginners, with its array of intricate postures. Yonderful offers an alternative approach, allowing users to first master individual postures before progressing to full routines.

A screenshot showing users are encouraged to learn postures first before diving into a full exercise

Detailed steps, anticipated feelings,and tips of each posture

Clear, step-by-step instructions guide users through achieving correct alignment.  Dos and don'ts further enhance the guidance, instilling confidence and certainty.

A screenshot showing users can read all detailed instructions and tips before learning

Instant feedback during yoga practice

Through computer vision, users' movements are meticulously tracked and analyzed in real-time. This data fuels instant and personalized feedback with both audio and visual elements, ensuring users maintain optimal form and alignment throughout their workout.

Direct Interaction with Instructors

Through Yonderful's recording function, users can capture their practice sessions and share them with experienced instructors.  Furthermore, Yonderful facilitates virtual meetings

A screenshot showing users can interact with yoga instructors

3. UX Writing & Content Strategy: Make users believe they can do it

As the key message was "Clear the uncertainty; Master with guidance", I wanted the content on the website make users believe that they can master yoga.  Simultaneously, I wanted to prompt users in signing up.

Some content tactics employed are namely

  • Targeted users' uncertain psychological state
  • Repeatedly used certain words including "uncertainty" and "guidance"
  • Highlighted the immediate benefits, such as time saved in searching for suitable yoga videos, and showcase the achievable goals, like mastering yoga.

View how I designed the homepage to boost users' confidence and prompt users to join

The homepage of Yonderful

Click here to experience Yonderful on Figma